

Examples concerning the FDApy.basis module.

Two-dimensional Basis

Two-dimensional Basis

One-dimensional Basis

One-dimensional Basis

Multivariate Basis of one-dimensional data

Multivariate Basis of one-dimensional data

Multivariate Basis of multi-dimensional data

Multivariate Basis of multi-dimensional data

Multivariate Basis of two-dimensional data

Multivariate Basis of two-dimensional data

Real data analysis#

Examples of analysis of real datasets.

Canadian weather dataset

Canadian weather dataset

Dimension Reduction#

Examples concerning the FDApy.preprocessing.dim_reduction module.

FPCA of 2-dimensional data

FPCA of 2-dimensional data

MFPCA of 1-dimensional data

MFPCA of 1-dimensional data

FPCA of 1-dimensional data

FPCA of 1-dimensional data

FPCA of 1-dimensional sparse data

FPCA of 1-dimensional sparse data

MFPCA of 1-dimensional sparse data

MFPCA of 1-dimensional sparse data

MFPCA of 1- and 2-dimensional data

MFPCA of 1- and 2-dimensional data

MFPCA of 2-dimensional data

MFPCA of 2-dimensional data


Examples concerning the FDApy.representation module.

Representation of univariate and dense functional data

Representation of univariate and dense functional data

Smoothing of dense one-dimensional functional data

Smoothing of dense one-dimensional functional data

Smoothing of dense two-dimensional functional data

Smoothing of dense two-dimensional functional data

Representation of univariate and irregular functional data

Representation of univariate and irregular functional data

Representation of multivariate functional data

Representation of multivariate functional data


Examples concerning the FDApy.simulation module.

Simulation of Brownian motion

Simulation of Brownian motion

Simulation of clusters of univariate functional data

Simulation of clusters of univariate functional data

Simulation of functional data

Simulation of functional data

Simulation using Karhunen-Loève decomposition

Simulation using Karhunen-Loève decomposition

Simulation of clusters of multivariate functional data

Simulation of clusters of multivariate functional data

Simulation using multivariate Karhunen-Loève decomposition

Simulation using multivariate Karhunen-Loève decomposition


Examples concerning the FDApy.preprocessing.smoothing module.

Smoothing of 1D data using local polynomial regression

Smoothing of 1D data using local polynomial regression

Smoothing of 2D data using local polynomial regression

Smoothing of 2D data using local polynomial regression

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